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Today is the International Labour Day

International Labour Day is marked today (Wednesday) with renewed resolve to protecting workers' rights.

International Labour Day

The subject for this year's day is "ensuring workplace safety and health amidst climate change."

Almost every country declares this day a national holiday.

On this day, numerous trade unions, workers' organisations, and non-governmental organisations will hold rallies and demonstrations to promote workers' fundamental rights.

Trade unions first advocated the day in the late nineteenth century, when the labour movement gained prominence. President Grover Cleveland signed legislation making Labour Day a national holiday in 1894, after the United States Congress voted overwhelmingly to do so. It is celebrated in over 80 nations worldwide.

However, many countries, like the United States and Canada, observe the day on the first Monday of September.

This day serves as a reminder to all of us to maintain workers' rights and advocate for social protection, fair pay, and safe working conditions.

On this day, we should recognise the contributions of workers who have played an important part in the country's progress.

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