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The US Senate renews the FISA surveillance bill, which allows the government to spy

 The United States Senate has extended the extremely contentious Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for another two years, according to The Hill.

FISA surveillance bill

The bill, which passed by 60-34, has been delivered to President Joe Biden, who will make the final decision.

The FISA law is a powerful surveillance instrument used by the US government to intercept non-American communications, such as phone calls and emails, anywhere outside of US territory. That covers conversations between US citizens and foreigners.

The bill allows the government and intelligence services to conduct electronic surveillance without a judicial warrant.

Former President Donald Trump wrote on his social media network, Truth Social, "It was illegally used against me and many others." They spied on my campaign."

Progressive and conservative senators made several attempts, claiming that the spying powers were very broad and harmed American individuals' civil liberties and privacy.

In celebration of the restoration, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stated, "It wasn't easy; people had many different points of view, but we all know one thing: letting FISA expire would have been dangerous." Stopping terrorist attacks, drug trafficking, and violent extremism is critical to our national security.

"Thank you to all my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle for their good work in getting this done."

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